Moving into a new home is an exciting milestone, but it comes with a long checklist of tasks to ensure your new space is comfortable and functional. One of the most crucial aspects is setting up your utilities and services. Here’s a handy guide from Sunrise Moving and Packing to help new homeowners get everything up and running smoothly.

1. Electricity

Contact Your Provider Early

Before moving in, contact your electricity provider to transfer or set up a new account. This will ensure that your new home has power from day one.

Provide Necessary Information

Have your move-in date, new address, and any relevant identification information ready. This will help streamline the process.

Meter Reading

If you’re moving into a home with a pre-installed meter, make sure to take a reading on your first day. This helps avoid discrepancies in your first bill.

2. Water and Sewer

Identify Your Provider

Water services are usually managed by local municipal governments. Find out who your provider is and get in touch to set up your account.

Schedule Service Activation

Ensure that your water service is active before you move in. This might require scheduling a technician visit.

Check for Leaks

After setting up your water service, check for any leaks or issues with plumbing. It’s easier to address these problems before fully settling in.

3. Internet and Cable

Research Providers

Different areas may have different internet and cable providers. Research which companies serve your new location and compare their packages.

Book an Installation Appointment

Internet and cable installation can take time, so book your appointment as early as possible. Consider having the technician come a day or two after your move to avoid any downtime.

Check Your Connections

Make sure all your outlets and cables are compatible with the new provider’s equipment. Sometimes, additional adapters or configurations might be needed.

4. Gas

Contact Your Provider

If your new home uses natural gas for heating or cooking, contact the local gas company to set up service. Provide them with your move-in date and any necessary documentation.

Safety First

Ensure that all gas appliances are properly installed and vented. If you’re unsure, it might be worth hiring a professional to inspect your setup.

5. Trash and Recycling

Know Your Schedule

Trash and recycling services are often managed by the local government or private companies. Find out your collection days and any specific rules for waste disposal.

Set Up Your Bins

Some areas provide bins, while others require you to purchase them. Make sure you have the necessary containers ready for your first collection day.

6. Phone Service

Decide Between Landline and Mobile

Consider whether you need a landline in your new home or if you’ll rely solely on mobile phones. If you opt for a landline, contact the provider to set up service.

Check for Coverage

If you’re relying on mobile phones, ensure your new home has good coverage from your current provider. If not, you may need to switch providers.

Final Tips

  • Update Your Address: Don’t forget to update your address with each utility provider, as well as with the post office, banks, and other important institutions.
  • Keep Records: Maintain records of all your setup communications and appointments. This can help resolve any future disputes.
  • Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contact numbers for each utility service, just in case you experience issues after moving in.

By taking care of these essentials, you’ll ensure a smooth transition into your new home. At Sunrise Moving and Packing, we strive to make every aspect of your move as stress-free as possible. Happy moving!